泰克国际CEO 丹•雷 Dan Layne
All Tech Customers in China:
We are very sad to learn that the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia is spreading across China and that many people are affected – some are even killed by the virus. The devastation of this virus constitutes a major challenge for all of us.
The people of Hubei Province and the city of Wuhan are intelligent, strong, hardworking and resilient people. Tech has deep roots in Hubei province, as Wuhan is the cradle of Tech in China. For in 1988, we started our J.V. business in Yichang with the 3 Gorge Project. In 1995, as one of the 4 major American companies introduced through the partnership between the “sister states” of Hubei province, China and Ohio in the USA – the home of Tech - we became fully established.
The tire business will likely be impacted to some extent, but as everyone knows tire men and the people of Tech are a hardworking, brave and they are not easily frightened by any challenge or threat - they persevere!
I firmly believe by taking good care of yourself and following the guidance of the medical and emergency management experts such as wearing masks, washing hands and avoiding crowds for some time, you will succeed in the battle against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia within a short period and we can all return to our normal life.
Please try to make the best of the extended holiday and take good care of your family and yourself. You can trust that Tech will continue to support our customers in Hubei, and in other parts of China as quickly as possible.
Best wishes in the new year!
Dan Layne
Chairman & CEO
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