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China's tires export industry has been growing at over 30 percent annually, and is poised to exceed US$7 billion in 2008.

Designed primarily for passenger cars and light trucks, radials are the biggest category of tires in China, accounting for about 75 percent of output. The rest of production consists of bias models. Off-road tires, or those suitable for engineering, large mining, port and tunneling vehicles are an emerging line.

Tires are exported mostly as replacement parts to the aftermarket, which currently absorbs more than 60 percent of shipments. Nevertheless, there are some China-owned companies venturing into OEM-based production, usually of off-road tires, for engineering vehicles or other tire makers.

This updated report will guide you in this expanding industry, answering your questions such as: • Which companies are offering the best products at the best prices?
• Which countries do exporters focus on?
• Will export prices increase in coming months?
• How are suppliers dealing with rising material and labor costs? 
• And much more...


What you'll get
 In-depth profiles of 15 major suppliers with a comprehensive look at their product and pricing strategy, manufacturing and export capability, verified contact details, and more — this information is not available anywhere else
 Profile tables of 18 additional suppliers, with key information such as production capacities, export capabilities, primary export markets and main machinery
 77 full-color images that depict popular tire export models, complete with product descriptions, prices, minimum order requirements and delivery times
 Results of the custom-designed supplier survey, which forecasts industry trends for the next 12 months
 Verified supplier contact details, including names, e-mails, telephone numbers and websites of profiled makers
 This report covers semi- and all-steel radials, and bias tires.


Executive Summary 
 Industry Overview 
 Supplier Profile 
 Product Gallery

来源:中国轮胎商务网|http://www.tirechina.net打 印关 闭


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