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2008年中国轮胎市场调查报告——Market Investigation Report on China’s Tyre Industry, 2008


联系方式: 0754-86308879

发布日期:May 12, 2008


Countries covered: China

Today, China has formed a complete tyre industry system. Since 2004, China has been the largest tyre output country in the world. In 2007, the total tyre output of China reached 330 million, in which radial ply tires took up 70%.

The tyre industry is a traditional labor-intensive and skill-intensive industry. In European countries and Japan, the salary takes high proportion of the total production cost (e.g. 33% for USA and 45% for Germany) which affects the competitive strength of products. Relatively, Asia-Pacific Region obtains low-cost labor forces with high quality. Recently, the global tyre industry has moved to the Asia-Pacific Region, in which China has become the largest producer and exporter. 40%-45% of the total output in China is exported overseas. In 2007, the volume of export of tyre in China reached 140 million. Both domestic-funded and foreign-owned enterprises do processing trade. Processing with import material in exporting enterprises takes up 60% of the production and some even reaches to 100%. China has become a centre of principal rubber products like radial ply tyres, and the tyre-exporting country with the greatest processing trade.


1 Analysis of the developing circumstances of Chinafs tyre industry, 2007-2008
1.1 Analysis of the economic environment and influence
1.1.1 National economy operating situation
1.1.2 Analysis of the operation of Chinafs auto industry
1.1.3 Analysis of upstream raw material supplies in the tyre industry
1.2 Analysis of the policies in the tyre industry
1.2.1 Summary of industry policy
1.2.2 Major industry criteria
1.2.3 Analysis and forecast on the industry policy trend
2 Analysis of the supply and demand of Chinafs tyre industry, 2007-2008
2.1 Analysis of the producing situation of Chinafs tyre industry
2.1.1 Analysis of the total production of tyre industry
2.1.2 Analysis of the product structure of tyre industry
2.1.3 Analysis and forecast of productive trends
2.2 Analysis of the product consumer situation of Chinafs tyre industry
2.2.1 Analysis of the gross consumption of Chinafs tyre industry
2.2.2 Analysis of the consumptive structure of the tyre industry
2.2.3 Consumption forecast
2.3 Analysis of the import & export of Chinafs tyre industry
2.3.1 Import
2.3.2 Export
2.3.3 Importing & exporting situation forecast
2.4 Analysis of the investment in the tyre industry
2.4.1 Analysis of investing items in the local tyre industry
2.4.2 Analysis of international investment in Chinafs tyre industry
3 Analysis of the focal producing regions of Chinafs tyre industry, 2007
3.1 Analysis of the regional distributions of Chinafs tyre industry
3.1.1 Analysis of the features of the regional distributions of Chinafs tyre industry
3.1.2 Analysis of the regional operation of Chinafs tyre industry
3.2 Analysis of the tyre industry in Shandong province
3.2.1 Analysis of the overall situation of Shandong tyre industry, 2007
3.2.2 Forecast of the trends of Shandong tyre industry
3.3 Analysis of the tyre industry in Jiangsu province
3.3.1 Analysis of the overall situation of Jiangsu tyre industry, 2007
3.3.2 Forecast of the trends of Jiangsu tyre industry
3.4 Analysis of the tyre industry in Anhui province
3.4.1 Analysis of the overall situation of Anhui tyre industry, 2007
3.4.2 Forecast of the trends of Anhui tyre industry
3.5 Analysis of the tyre industry in Shanghai
3.5.1 Analysis of the overall situation of Shanghai tyre industry, 2007
3.5.2 Forecast of the trends of Shanghai tyre industry
3.6 Analysis of the tyre industry in Fujian province
3.6.1 Analysis of the overall situation of Fujian tyre industry, 2007
3.6.2 Forecast of the trends of Fujian tyre industry
4 Analysis of the major enterprises in Chinafs tyre industry (the ranking is unrelated to the business strength)
4.1 Shanghai Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd.
4.1.1 General situation
4.1.2 Analysis on the operational situation
4.1.3 Analysis on the development strategy
4.2 Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd.
4.2.1 General situation
4.2.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.2.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.3 GITI Tire
4.3.1 General situation
4.3.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.3.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.4 Triangle Group
4.4.1 General situation
4.4.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.4.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.5 HANKOOK Tire
4.5.1 General situation
4.5.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.5.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.6 Shandong Chengshan Group Co., Ltd.
4.6.1 General situation
4.6.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.6.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.7 Shandong Linglong Rubber Co., Ltd
4.7.1 General situation
4.7.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.7.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.8 Shandong Xishui Rubber Group
4.8.1 General situation
4.8.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.8.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.9 AEOLUS Tyre Co., Ltd.
4.9.1 General situation
4.9.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.9.3 Analysis of the development strategy
4.10 Hangzhou ZhongCe Rubber Co., Ltd.
4.10.1 General situation
4.10.2 Analysis of the operational situation
4.10.3 Analysis of the development strategy
5 Analysis of investment & development of Chinafs tyre industry
5.1 Analysis of investment risks
5.1.1 Analysis of economy risks
5.1.2 Analysis of policy risks
5.1.3 Analysis of other risks
5.1.4 Recommendations for investment risk aversion
5.2 Analysis of investment opportunities
5.2.1 Opportunities in sub-sectors
5.2.2 Opportunities related to environmental protection
5.2.3 Analysis of other investment opportunities
5.3 Recommendation of investment & development
Selected Charts
Chart: General view on significant tyre standards issued by Chinese government
Chart: Range of the payments of claims about tyres
Chart: Comparisons with different tire tread technologies
Chart: Volume of sales of Chinafs tyre industry, 2004-2008
Chart: Growth rates of sales of Chinafs tyre industry, 2004-2008
Chart: Productive output of Chinafs automobile industry, 2004-2008
Chart: Sales of Chinafs tyre industry, 2004-2008
Chart: Sales of the tyre industry in different regions, 2007
Chart: Import volume of Chinafs tyre industry, 2004-2008
Chart: Export volume of Chinafs tyre industry, 2004-2008
Chart: Chinafs consumer awareness level of different tyre brands, 2007
Chart: Operational situation of Shanghai Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd., 2007
Chart: Operational situation of Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd.iA Qian Tyrej, 2007
Chart: Operational situation of GITI Tire, 2007
Chart: Operational situation of HANKOOK Tire, 2007

来源:中国轮胎商务网|http://www.tirechina.net打 印关 闭


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